Do You Lose Weight with Braces?

Do You Lose Weight with Braces

Many people wonder if wearing braces can lead to weight loss.

While some may assume that the physical act of wearing orthodontic appliances can burn calories, the truth is that there is no direct link between teeth straightening and weight loss.

Orthodontic treatment is primarily focused on correcting misaligned teeth and improving oral health.

While some individuals may experience a slight decrease in weight during treatment, this is usually due to changes in diet or lifestyle rather than the braces themselves.

That being said, it is important to note that orthodontic treatment can impact your diet and eating habits.

Individuals with braces may have to make adjustments to their food choices and caloric intake to accommodate their appliances and maintain good oral hygiene.

In the following sections, we will explore the connection between braces and weight loss, discuss the impact of braces on diet and nutrition, provide practical tips for managing weight during treatment, and debunk common myths about braces and weight loss.

So, let’s dive in and explore the relationship between orthodontic treatment and weight!

The Connection Between Braces and Diet

The journey to achieving a beautiful, straight smile with braces requires patience and dedication.

While orthodontic treatment can help correct misaligned teeth and improve oral health, it can also affect your diet and eating habits.

Let’s examine the impact of braces on weight and how you can adjust your eating habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Adjusting Eating Habits with Braces

When you first get braces, it may take a little time to adjust to the feeling of the orthodontic appliances in your mouth.

You might experience some sensitivity or discomfort, particularly after adjustments or tightening appointments.

As a result, you may change the way you chew or favor certain foods that are easier to consume.

This can lead to unintentional changes in your caloric intake and eating habits.

To manage these changes, make sure to maintain a balanced diet by incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage your brackets and wires, such as popcorn, nuts, sticky candy, and chewing gum.

Opt for softer options like cooked vegetables, yogurt, and mashed potatoes that are easier to chew.

Remember to chew slowly and carefully to avoid damaging your orthodontic appliances.

Caloric Intake and Orthodontic Appliances

The brackets and wires of your braces can also make it challenging to clean your teeth properly, increasing the risk of oral health problems like cavities and gum disease.

To prevent these issues, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits by brushing and flossing regularly and attending all scheduled dental check-ups.

Additionally, braces may cause changes in your salivary flow, making your mouth drier than usual.

This can make it harder to swallow and increase your risk of tooth decay.

To stay hydrated, drink plenty of water throughout the day and limit your consumption of sugary or acidic beverages like soda, sports drinks, and coffee.

The Impact of Braces on Diet and Weight

While wearing braces may affect your diet and eating habits, it is important to note that the orthodontic treatment is not a direct cause of weight loss or gain.

Any weight changes are likely due to modifications in your diet and physical activity levels, rather than the braces themselves.

It’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle during orthodontic treatment by following a well-balanced diet and staying active.

Speak with your orthodontist or a registered dietitian to create a nutrition plan that meets your specific needs and goals.

Nutrition Tips for Individuals with Braces

Wearing braces can have an impact on your diet and nutrition.

The orthodontic appliances can make it challenging to eat certain foods, and this can affect your caloric intake.

To manage your weight while wearing braces, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Choose Soft and Nutritious Foods

Foods that are soft and easy to chew are ideal for individuals with braces.

Opt for foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and smoothies.

These foods are gentle on your braces and will not cause damage to the wires or brackets.

At the same time, it is essential to ensure that your diet remains nutritious.

Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals that promote oral health, such as leafy greens, carrots, and apples.

Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods

Avoid foods that are sticky and hard as they can damage your braces.

Foods such as gum, hard candy, nuts, and popcorn are difficult to chew and can get stuck in your braces.

Such foods can cause discomfort and lead to orthodontic emergencies.

It is better to steer clear of these types of foods to ensure your braces remain intact.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is crucial when you’re wearing braces.

Brush and floss your teeth regularly to avoid developing cavities and gum disease.

A healthy mouth promotes good overall health, so make sure to maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine while wearing braces.

This will help to prevent any complications during treatment and ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong.

Consult with an Orthodontist

An orthodontist is the best person to advise you on how to manage your nutrition and weight while undergoing braces treatment.

They can provide customized advice that caters to your specific needs and help you develop a diet plan that works for you.

Consult with your orthodontist regularly to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

By following these tips, you can manage your weight while wearing braces and ensure that your nutrition remains on track.

Remember to consult with your orthodontist regularly and practice good oral hygiene to keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Debunking Myths about Braces and Weight Loss

There is a common misconception that wearing braces can lead to direct weight loss.

However, this belief is not entirely true.

While there may be some changes in eating habits during orthodontic treatment, the braces themselves do not cause weight loss.

Some individuals may experience weight gain when wearing braces due to increased snacking or consuming soft, high-calorie foods to avoid discomfort.

It’s important to note that orthodontic treatment should not be seen as a weight-loss solution.

The primary goal of braces is to correct dental issues such as misaligned teeth, bite problems, and overcrowding.

It’s worth emphasizing that orthodontic treatment does not replace healthy lifestyle choices and a balanced diet for weight management.

Effects of Braces on Eating Habits

Wearing braces can certainly have an impact on eating habits.

The brackets and wires can make it difficult to consume certain hard, sticky, or tough foods.

As a result, individuals with braces may need to modify their diets to avoid damaging their orthodontic appliances.

It’s also essential to practice good oral hygiene when wearing braces.

This means brushing and flossing regularly to prevent food particles from getting stuck in the brackets and wires, which can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Managing Weight While Wearing Braces

While braces are not a direct cause of weight loss, individuals can still manage their weight effectively during orthodontic treatment.

By making conscious dietary choices and ensuring good oral hygiene practices, patients can maintain their overall health and weight management goals.

Here are a few tips for individuals with braces who are looking to manage their weight:

· Choose nutrient-dense, whole foods over processed, high-calorie options

· Avoid snacking between meals, and instead choose to fill, protein-rich snacks

· Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and promote healthy digestion

· Brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay

· Consider consulting with a registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice


In summary, while wearing braces may require adjustments to your diet and eating habits, it is not a direct cause of weight loss.

By making conscious dietary choices, practicing good oral hygiene, and seeking personalized nutrition advice if necessary, individuals with braces can successfully navigate orthodontic treatment without compromising their overall health and weight management goals.


While there is a connection between wearing braces and diet, it is important to note that orthodontic treatment is not a direct cause of weight loss.

The adjustments individuals with braces may need to make to their diets and eating habits are not designed to promote weight loss but to accommodate orthodontic appliances.

It is crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while undergoing orthodontic treatment to ensure overall health and wellness.

Individuals with braces should be mindful of their caloric intake and make dietary modifications as needed to avoid damaging their braces or impeding treatment progress.

FAQ About Braces and Weight Loss

Do you lose weight with braces?

Wearing braces does not directly cause weight loss.

While some individuals may experience temporary changes in eating habits or food choices, braces themselves do not lead to significant weight loss.

How do braces affect your diet?

Braces can present challenges when it comes to food choices and eating habits.

Sticky or hard foods should be avoided to prevent damage to braces.

It may be necessary to make adjustments to your diet during orthodontic treatment.

What nutrition tips are helpful for individuals with braces?

It is important to maintain a balanced diet while wearing braces.

Focus on nutrient-dense foods that are soft and easy to eat, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products.

Good oral hygiene practices are also crucial for maintaining oral health during treatment.

Can braces directly cause weight loss?

No, braces do not directly cause weight loss.

Any weight changes that occur while wearing braces are usually the result of individual factors such as altered eating habits or lifestyle changes, rather than a direct effect of the braces themselves.

What is the relationship between braces and weight management?

While braces may require adjustments to your diet and eating habits, weight management is not solely determined by wearing braces.

It is important to make conscious dietary choices and practice good oral hygiene to maintain overall health and weight management goals during orthodontic treatment.