Is Coleslaw Good for Weight Loss?

Is Coleslaw Good for Weight Loss

Struggling to find a tasty, low-calorie side dish for your meal plan? Coleslaw might be an option you’ve overlooked. With its high fiber content and potential for low calories, this traditional salad can be surprisingly diet-friendly.

This blog post will unveil how coleslaw fits into a weight loss journey by highlighting nutritious ingredients and showcasing healthier alternatives. Ready to crunch your way to better health? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Coleslaw can be a healthy option for weight loss if you choose the right ingredients and dressing.
  • Watch out for high-calorie ingredients like mayonnaise and high-sugar fruits in coleslaw.
  • Opt for low-fat or homemade dressings, like Greek yogurt-based dressings, to reduce calories and fat content.
  • Choose low – sugar fruits and vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, and celery, to add crunchiness and flavor without adding unnecessary calories.

Is Coleslaw Good for Weight Loss?

Coleslaw can be a healthy option for weight loss, but it’s important to watch out for ingredients like mayonnaise and high-sugar fruits.

Ingredients to watch out for (mayonnaise, high-sugar fruits)

Coleslaw can have hidden traps like mayonnaise and high-sugar fruits. Mayonnaise has lots of fat. Even though some fats in it are healthy, too much is not good. High-sugar fruits also add extra calories.

Be careful with what you add to your coleslaw if you want to lose weight.

Calorie and nutrition content of coleslaw

Coleslaw is a popular side dish made with shredded cabbage and a dressing. It’s important to be aware of the calorie and nutrition content when considering coleslaw for weight loss.

On average, a serving of coleslaw contains around 173 calories. However, the calorie count may vary depending on the ingredients used in the dressing. Coleslaw also provides essential nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin E.

While coleslaw can be part of a healthy eating plan, it’s important to choose dressings that are lower in calories and fat or opt for homemade versions with healthier alternatives like Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise.

How to Make a Healthier Coleslaw

To make a healthier coleslaw, opt for low-fat or homemade dressing and choose ingredients like low-fat mayonnaise and low-sugar fruits and vegetables.

Using low-fat or homemade dressing

To make coleslaw healthier for weight loss, it’s important to choose a low-fat or homemade dressing. Instead of using mayonnaise, which can be high in calories and fat, opt for a lighter alternative like Greek yogurt-based dressing.

This can significantly reduce the calorie content while still providing a creamy texture. Homemade dressings allow you to control the ingredients and avoid added sugars and preservatives that are often found in store-bought options.

By making these simple swaps, you can enjoy a delicious and nutritious coleslaw that supports your weight loss goals.

Choosing the right ingredients (low-fat mayonnaise, low-sugar fruits and vegetables)

To make a healthier coleslaw, opt for low-fat mayonnaise instead of the regular one. This will reduce the fat content in your coleslaw. Also, choose low-sugar fruits and vegetables like cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, and celery to add crunchiness and flavor to your coleslaw without adding unnecessary calories.

These ingredients are nutritious and can contribute to weight loss due to their high fiber content.

Other Low-Calorie Side Salad Options

Some other low-calorie side salad options include a refreshing cabbage salad with vinaigrette dressing and a light tomato and cucumber salad with a tangy lemon juice dressing.

Cabbage salad with vinaigrette dressing

Cabbage salad with vinaigrette dressing is a healthy and low-calorie option for those looking to manage their weight. The salad is made with fresh cabbage, which is packed with fiber and nutrients like vitamin C.

Vinaigrette dressing, made from vinegar and oil, adds flavor without adding too many calories. This salad can be a great addition to your meal as it provides crunch and freshness while helping you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Tomato and cucumber salad with lemon juice

A refreshing and low-calorie option for a side salad is a tomato and cucumber salad with lemon juice. This simple dish is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which may provide health benefits like reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Cucumbers are hydrating and contain fiber, promoting digestion and helping you feel full. Lemon juice not only adds a tangy flavor but also provides vitamin C and aids in digestion.

With the combination of fresh ingredients and a zesty dressing, this salad is both delicious and nutritious.


In conclusion, coleslaw can be a good option for weight loss if you choose the right ingredients and dressing. Avoid high-calorie dressings like mayonnaise and opt for lighter alternatives like Greek yogurt.

Homemade coleslaw is usually healthier than store-bought versions. Remember to watch your portion size and enjoy coleslaw as part of a balanced diet.


1. Can Coleslaw be a good food for weight loss?

Yes, coleslaw can be a great weight loss food if you opt for low-calorie coleslaw options and control your portions.

2. Are there healthy versions of coleslaw dressing?

Absolutely! Lighter versions of coleslaw dressing exist that are low in calories and fat but still offer nutritional benefits.

3. What makes some types of coleslaw better for dieting?

Mayonnaise-free or lighter coleslaw dressings are often healthier choices because they contain unsaturated fats which are beneficial for weight management.

4. Can I make my own nutritious Coleslaw at home?

Certainly! There are many healthy coleslaw recipes available that use crunchy, nutritious ingredients and healthier options for the dressing to make this simple option even more fitting in your weight loss plan.

5. Is all Coleslaw equal in terms of health benefits?

No, not all versions hold the same health benefits as it largely depends on the choice of ingredients used like low-fat alternatives and light dressings contributing to making each serving a hearty, low-calorie side dish.