Does Walking Reduce Waist Size?

Does Walking Reduce Your Waist Size

If you want to reduce your waist size, it’s important to exercise regularly.

In addition to helping you get in shape, exercise can also be beneficial for your wellbeing and overall health.

Fortunately, you don’t need a fancy gym membership to lose weight!

On the contrary, one of the best forms of physical activities; that is low risk and accessible to most people is free! Walking.

Plus, it’s one of the easiest forms of exercise that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

But, does walking reduce waist size?

This article explores how walking more often can help you lose weight. And, what are the tips and strategies to speed up the process.

Does Walking Reduce Waist Size?

Can you lose weight just by walking?

Many people are wondering “ Can I lose weight if my only exercise is walking?”.  

Depending on the duration and intensity of your walking and what your diet plan’s like. You might be able to lose weight by just walking.

However, a combination of physical activity and dietary changes that emphasize calorie deficit seems to promote weight loss more effectively than does exercise alone.

So keep walking, but make sure you opt for a healthy, balanced diet.

  • Can you lose weight by walking 30 minutes a day?

Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment to perform.

Walking is a great way to increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones and boost endurance.

But, can you lose weight by walking 30 minutes a day?

A study of inactive women found that even a low level of exercise – around 75 minutes per week – improved their fitness levels significantly when compared to a non-exercising group.

This clearly shows that walking has many health benefits even if you’re not aiming to reduce your waist size.

So, if you’re just starting out aim to walk for at least 30 minutes as briskly as you can on most days of the week.

If it’s too hard to walk for 30 minutes at one time, do regular small bouts (about 10 minutes) three times per day and gradually build up to longer sessions.

Walking helps you burn anywhere between 90 and 350 calories per 30 minutes, depending on speed, intensity, and incline.

  • How many miles in 10000 steps?

An average person has a stride length of approximately 2.1 to 2.5 feet.

That means that it takes over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps would be almost 5 miles.

Also, ten thousand steps equate to about 8 kilometers, or an hour and 40 minutes walking, depending on your stride length and walking speed.

But, that doesn’t mean you have to do it all in one walk.

  • How many calories do 10000 steps burn?

Completing an extra 10,000 steps each day typically burns about 2500 to 3500 extra calories each week.

As a general rule of thumb, a pound of fat contains around 3,500 calories.

So, does walking reduce waist size?

Depending on your weight and workout intensity, you could lose about one pound per week simply by completing an extra 10,000 steps each day.

  • Why 10000 steps a day?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults need at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week.

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity includes things like: gardening, walking, and cycling.

Most fitness trackers recommend a 10,000-step goal because it equals about 5 miles a day. 

And, for most people, 10,000 steps is a good goal to target, but this varies from person to person.

Talk to your doctor or a fitness trainer if you want to set an expectation that’s more reasonable for your lifestyle.

Is walking better than running?

Running is a great way to slim down. But, it’s a high-impact exercise that may lead to injuries.

This is where walking comes into place. As a lower-impact exercise, you feel less fatigue and there is no stress applied on your body especially your knees.

Is Walking Better Than Running?

But, does walking reduce waist size?

Walking at a brisk pace for 45 minutes or longer will result in burning stored body fat.

It is easier to set a fat-burning pace and work out for the necessary amount of time to burn fat when you are walking; as opposed to running.

Since many people can’t run for longer than 45 minutes, but they can actually walk for long periods.

To summarize, walking and running are both excellent forms of cardiovascular exercise that help to get rid of body fat.

The choice that’s best for you depends entirely on your fitness and health goals. 

For instance, if you’re looking to burn more calories or lose weight at a faster pace, running is a better choice.

But walking, which can easily fit your day-to-day life; also offers many health benefits including improved balance and weight maintenance.

  • What are the five types of walking?

Let’s face it; we all walk every day.

But, there’s a difference between walking from your front door to the garage, walking around shops at lunchtime, and the kind of walking on the Olympics.

There are many different types of walking, including but not limited to: an amble, a steady walk, a brisk walk, power walking, and race walking.

But, what does each of these walking types mean, and should you do all of them to lose weight? Let’s find more.

An Amble

Maybe you have been stuck at your office desk for an hour – you know you need to get up and stretch.

So, why not take a short amble to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

A Steady Walk

This is where you start to feel like you are doing a little bit of exercise.

It’s when you go out to walk with a purpose or a time frame. A good way of having a steady walk is when you meet up with a friend for some exercise and chat.

A Brisk Walk

You may find that your friend you have just met up with for a steady walk actually has the same goals as you to lose a few pounds, get a bit of exercise, and enjoy some fresh air.

Many diet programs and health experts recommend brisk walking as an effective calorie-burning cardio exercise.

Aim for a brisk walk of 30 to 90 minutes most days of the week for weight loss. The total time for the week should be at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours).

A Power Walking

Power walking is becoming more and more popular with people.

Similar to a brisk walk, but just a little quicker, it’s a perfect exercise routine for everyone looking to shed some pounds.

A Race Walking

If you have been power walking for a while and have a competition waiting for you, you may want to take up race walking.

If so, you will need to make sure you work on your endurance as well as speed.

  • What happens to your body when you walk a lot?

Daily walking for at least 30 minutes burns roughly an extra 2,500 to 3,500 calories in total for the week.

Helping you improve your cardiovascular endurance while boosting your metabolism.

If you’re new to walking, get started with shorter periods of walking and steadily build up your walking time.

Doing so, you get an added benefit of burning fat when you walk at a brisk pace for longer than 30 minutes at a time after warming up.

Does walking get rid of belly fat?

When done regularly for the appropriate length of time, walking can effectively burn calories and help you get rid of belly fat.

Walking is a great cardiovascular aerobic exercise that most healthy adults can do without equipment or special training.

Plus, you don’t need to spend much money to enjoy a belly fat burning walk.

Does Walking Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

  • How long does it take to reduce waist size?

You have to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. This is because of 3,500 calories equal about 1 pound of fat.

To lose 1 pound a week, you have to eliminate 500 calories from your diet every day. At that pace, you could easily reduce your waist size in 1 to 2 months.

So, your best bet is to work on losing overall body fat through diet and walking.

Once you start losing weight, there’s a good chance some will come from your belly.

  • Does wrapping your stomach help burn fat?

Body wraps are one of the more popular products claiming to help you lose inches, drop weight, and tone your loose skin.

Wrapping your stomach in plastic wrap while exercising may cause you to lose a tiny amount of water weight temporarily, but it will have no effect on belly fat.

A calorie deficit is still the best way to lose stubborn stomach fat.

Walking tips to lose weight faster

If you have not walked distances for some time, you should start slowly. Increase the length and pace of your walk gradually.

Here are some walking tips to lose weight faster:

  • Check with your doctor

Does Walking Reduce Waist Size

Walking can help control disease progression and relieve symptoms in people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

But, if you have a chronic medical condition or if you have had a recent injury you need to consult with your doctor before starting a walking program.

  • Maintain a proper form

Walking Tips To Lose Weight

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends maintaining the following posture when exercise walking:

  1. Swing your arms.
  2. Keep your head up, back straight, and abdomen flat.
  3. Point your toes straight ahead.
  4. Walk at a pace that challenges you, but don’t overdo.
  • Walk more often

Lose Weight By Walking

While a 30–45-minute power walk 4–5 days per week should be your focus, don’t stop there.

To reach your weight-loss goals, try including short walks of 10 minutes or less throughout your day when possible.

  • Maintain a balanced diet

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Walking can be a great way to destress, improve your health and strengthen your bones and muscles without risking injury.

But for weight loss, you’ll need to focus on diet to make it happen.

Consuming lean proteins and vegetables and limiting sugary and processed foods is where you should start to see noticeable changes in your scale.

  • Set your goals

Walking Plan For Weight Loss

Setting goals is important to keep you motivated in the long run.

One of the best goals you can have as a walker is to work toward increasing the number of steps you take per day. 

Unlike distance and speed goals that can lead to an injury when progressed too quickly, increasing your steps is safer and can be amped up more rapidly.

If you’re serious about losing weight, aim for 10,000 per day to start and increase your step count from there.

  • Is it better to walk longer or faster?

If you plan to start a regular walking regimen — or even if you’re already walking consistently — you may be wondering if is it better to walk longer or faster?

A study conducted on the journal Obesity Research shows that obese individuals can burn more calories per mile and may reduce the risk of arthritis or joint injury when walking slowly for a longer period of time.

While research suggests walking for distance may be the better option, it’s only beneficial so long as it works for you.

That said, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to walking for distance or time. 


  • How do I speed up walking?

So, after answering the previous question about does walking reduce waist size, you may want to know how to speed up your walking pace.

Using the following tips will help you walk faster and more efficiently:

1. Warmup and Cool-Down

Be sure to include the warmup and cool-down phases in each workout to level up your fitness levels and prevent any injuries.

2. Maintain a Proper Form

Maintaining a proper form is the key to speed up walking. This includes:

Head and Torso Position

How you hold your body is very important to walking comfortably and easily. With good posture, you will be able to breathe easier and you will avoid back pain.

Arm Motion

Using your arms correctly can boost your walking speed.

Foot Motion 

Your feet will take an active role, using your heel and ankle to roll through the step and push off powerfully at the end of your stride.

3. Fast Walking Stride

To walk faster, you will be taking more steps in a shorter amount of time rather than taking unnaturally long steps.

Many people make the error of overstriding when trying to walk faster. Instead, you will keep your natural stride length but learn to use it powerfully.

How long does it take to see results from walking?

Unfortunately, Most who start using walking as a tool to help get rid of excess weight fail.

That’s because when they start tracking energy out, they invariably alter the energy in. 

For example, they may add an extra 200 calories just because they walked for a 30 minutes.

So, it’s important to view the energy outputs you have via exercise as a bonus. In meaning, you don’t necessary count them.

This way you will hit your weight loss goal faster.

And, although walking is a very low-intensity exercise, it’s certainly better than nothing.

So, depending on how much weight you need to lose to notice a difference, 10 to 15 lbs is likely going to take 3 months assuming you achieve an energy deficit with your food.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Walking

Final Thoughts – Does Walking Reduce Waist Size?

If you were only to do walking and diet, you’d lose weight, but your metabolism would be compromised. 

A better way to achieve a toned, fit body shape is resistance training that helps to increase strength and maintaining muscle tissue.

That’s not to say walking or any form of cardio are not beneficial.

Yes, they are great for your heart and lungs, but don’t rely on them to give you a lean, defined physique.

Simply, walking more often can help you lose weight and belly fat, as well as provide other excellent health benefits, including a decreased risk of disease and improved mood.

P.S: If you want to quicken your weight loss journey, we highly recommend you to check out this new dieting formula that combines multiple weight loss benefits to help you get the slim, sexy body you’ve always wanted!