Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight?

Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight

In our search for the perfect body, we frequently come across various supplements and vitamins that are rumored to be efficient in supporting weight loss.

And one question in particular that we’d like to delve in is this: Can magnesium help you lose weight?

Frequently touted by nutritionists and fitness magazines alike, we set out on a mission to see if magnesium can do all that it’s rumored to.

First of all, let’s explore the relationship between our body and magnesium, and see why they might work well together.

Magnesium is an important mineral that your body needs to function properly.

But, can magnesium help you lose weight?

Like B-vitamins, magnesium is an important energy nutrient that functions in your body to activate enzymes involved in the digestion, absorption, and use of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Without energy nutrients, you can develop unnecessary food cravings, low blood sugar, and anxiety.

Keep reading to learn more about the effects of this supplement on your body, and how can magnesium help you lose weight?

Does my body need magnesium?

The long and short of it is yes, your body requires a healthy dose of magnesium in order to function properly.

Magnesium regulates the sugar levels in your blood, helps your body produce energy, and aids the natural chemical reactions that take place within your body.

The average adult body requires a daily intake of 320 mg for women and 420 mg for men, but some people have trouble absorbing this amount, which is why they take magnesium supplements.

Okay, but what’s the relationship between magnesium and weight loss?

The main reason why some experts recommend magnesium for people trying to lose weight is that magnesium regulates the sugar in the blood and insulin production.

By stabilizing your glucose, magnesium reduces the risk of diabetes and may speed up your metabolism.

It’s also been known to reduce insulin resistanceWhat does that mean? 

It means that when your body builds up a resistance to insulin, it has trouble in shedding weight.

Your body can’t cope with the glucose in your bloodstream and this facilitates weight gain.

Another excellent benefit of getting a healthy dose of magnesium is that it aids with water retention.

As a result of various conditions, as well as with age, our body tends to retain more water, which leads to bloating and added weight.

A good magnesium intake ensures that your body only retains the water it needs to thrive and eliminates the rest of it.

Along with helping you lose weight, magnesium provide many health benefits that will be discussed below.

5 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Magnesium

5 Evidence-Based Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral, playing a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body.

Here are 5 of its health benefits.

  • Boost your energy

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the production of ATP, which is our body’s primary source of energy for metabolic activity.

Low ATP production means low energy and slow metabolism.

Boosting your magnesium intake can help your body metabolize the food faster and more efficiently, which leads to more ATP and thus, more energy.

And, as you may know, the key factor of any weight loss program is a healthy exercise, often included a high-intensity training.

During these workouts, your body is burning fat, with the energy it gets from food, and then, converts to expandable energy to fuel the workout.

Magnesium is an electrolyte that helps your body convert the energy and can thus help you lose more weight when you train.

  • Helps Prevent chronic diseases that can lead to weight gain

When your body doesn’t react to insulin the way it is supposed to, it makes losing weight in a healthy way more difficult.

Many scientific studies have confirmed that magnesium helps reduce the effects of many metabolic chronic diseases such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

  • Dramatically reduces inflammation across the body

Research has shown that magnesium helps reduce inflammation.

Moreover, it lowers the stress hormone, Cortisol, throughout the body which leads to a decrease in bloating.

  • Reduces excessive water retention

Magnesium is well known for its laxative properties in relieving constipation, which also results in reducing water retention.

Excessive water retention can lead to bloating and fluctuations in weight.

Magnesium improves your functions while getting rid of excess water.

  • Improves sleep and Reduce Stress

This is another major reason magnesium is recommended if you want to lose weight – it regulates your circadian rhythm

Think of your circadian rhythm as a clock.

The hands need to strike the appropriate hours at the appropriate time. If your clock is striking three when it is, in fact, six, that means it’s off and can cause you problems, such as being late.

It’s the same with your circadian rhythm. It needs to release certain hormones at certain times, in order to function well. If your rhythm is off, then so is your sleep.

And speaking of hormones, did you know magnesium can regulate the levels of melatonin and GABA in your body?

These hormones are closely related to the quality of your sleep and improper levels may lead to insomnia.

How does this help with weight loss, you’re wondering?

Simple! The better you sleep, the more stress-free you and your body are.

Stressed bodies have trouble losing weight as they should. So when people say ‘get your beauty sleep’, they actually mean it.

Magnesium deficiency is also connected with anxiety and panic attacks. 

Together with stress, these two can lead to increased stress-induced weight gain.

And, like we mentioned earlier, magnesium reduces the impact of Cortisol, the stress hormone, on your body.

By consuming magnesium-rich food before going to bed, you’re able to dramatically enhance the quantity and quality of your sleep by putting your body in a more relaxed state.

So, How Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight?

Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight?

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our body to function properly.

Every nutrient we get either from plant or animal-based food products has its specific role to play in keeping us healthy and fit.

But, you might not know that magnesium also has an important role to play when trying to lose weight.

Studies suggest that sufficient magnesium intake, along with a healthy diet and intense workout session can help you shed weight quickly.

Here is how can magnesium help you lose weight.

  • Magnesium balance your mood hormones

Many studies have linked magnesium deficiency to an increased risk of depression and anxiety.

And, you know what are the outcomes of a bad mood? Yeah, food cravings.

Magnesium directly impacts numerous neurotransmitters and hormones associated with stress, including cortisol, and melatonin.

Studies have even found magnesium to be effective in reducing panic attacks.

Magnesium is one of the few nutrients that can cross the blood-brain barrier in certain forms and can improve neuroplasticity.

Due to its impact on neuroplasticity, magnesium is powerful and effective for influencing your mood.

  • Magnesium Boost your Energy Needed

If your weight-loss regimen includes high-intensity workouts that require a lot of sweat and energy, you will need electrolytes to support and replenish your cells.

Magnesium is one of the major electrolytes your body needs.

Specifically, it’s required in the ATP production.

This process may help you expend energy in endurance workouts, thereby leading to fat loss.

  • Magnesium Help your Body Maintain a Healthy Heartbeat

Weight-loss regimens and regular physical activity also require that the body maintains the stable electrical activity of the heart.

Since the heart is a muscle, magnesium plays a major role in its contraction and relaxation.

Having enough magnesium in your system can help prevent atrial arrhythmias and palpitations from occurring during rigorous exercise for weight loss.

Proper contraction and relaxation of muscles can also lower the risk of atherosclerosis, a hardened buildup of plaque and fat that occurs on the inner walls of arteries.

What are the best sources of magnesium?

You can get magnesium from a wide variety of sources.

Leafy greens, for example, are a good source of the mineral, as are grains, nuts, and other seeds (Quinoa, in particular).

Adding tofu, fish, and yogurt to your diet might also help with your magnesium levels.

However, many people fail to absorb enough magnesium through diet alone, which is where supplements come into the picture.

Magnesium supplements are readily available at many pharmacies and natural stores, as well as in most general markets.

Although magnesium supplements are harmless, we advise you to watch your intake and not go over the recommended daily dose.

Too much magnesium can lead to an upset stomach, cramping, nausea, and drowsiness.

So, make sure you don’t take more than you need, so as not to replace one problem with another.

Magnesium Citrate Supplements For Weight Loss

Magnesium For Weight Loss

Most problems in life can not be solved overnight with one magic pill. Weight loss is one of those problems.

At the end of the day, your weight and health are a reflection of your lifestyle and life choices; it will always be that way.

Unless you change your lifestyle and habits, you will not see long-term success in your health no matter what you try.

  • Do Magnesium Citrate Supplements promote weight loss?

Magnesium citrate helps with weight loss by putting your body in a more athletic state.

It improves muscle function, increases motivation and accelerates your metabolism.

It’s an over the counter medication that has a laxative effect if used in high enough doses and you, in turn, can lose weight this way.

The weight loss from magnesium citrate is water weight loss, not from actual calories being burned.

  • Should you take Magnesium Citrate?

If you have a diet that’s rich in the following foods: Green leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds, legumes, vegetables, seafood, etc, then you don’t need to take magnesium citrate supplements.

  • So, how do I know if I have enough magnesium?

Studies have shown that a majority of people do not get enough magnesium, and are by definition deficient.

Here are some of the main symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • You’re constantly tired and lethargic;
  • Your body feels weak, even though you lead a fairly active lifestyle;
  • Nausea and vomiting are both early symptoms of not getting enough magnesium in your diet;
  • You may experience irregular heartbeats, also known as arrhythmia;
  • Muscle pains and cramps are also an indicator;
  • Lastly, people with magnesium deficiency tend to be erratic or experience inexplicable personality changes.
  • How much magnesium do you need?

According to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements:

400 to 420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium daily.

310 to 320 milligrams (mg) of magnesium daily.

A higher dose than women who aren’t pregnant.

Ensuring you have enough magnesium in your diet is important not only for shedding some pounds but also for your overall health.

But, at the end of the day, successful weight loss comes from a solid plan to develop healthy eating habits and regular exercise regimen.

Bottom line: Can magnesium help you lose weight?

Yes, ensuring that you get enough magnesium in your diet is a very important aspect, one that, as we’ve seen, can greatly contribute to your overall health and help your body function properly.

Magnesium can certainly support weight loss but bear in mind that simply taking magnesium supplements won’t get you a toned physique.

Yes, they do help you boost your energy and balance your mood. But, think of it as one of the many steps in the road towards that physique.

Balanced workout regimen and healthy diet plan (Get your custom plan here) are the best ways to achieve long-lasting weight loss.